District 12 Inner Wheel

Folkestone Inner Wheel Club

About our Club

We meet on the first Wednesday of each month (excluding August, December and January) at Wards Hotel, Earls Avenue Folkestone 6.30 for 6.45pm for a two course meal. Each meeting varies from a business meeting to a meeting with a local speaker. These events are interspersed with other fun activities and fund raising events during the year.

The aim of the club is to enjoy the friendship of nearly thirty members through our monthly meetings, various outings and social events whilst raising money for local, national and international charities.  

Past President Marion Bonomy -  Following the recent sad death of long-serving member and much valued Past President, Marion Bonomy, the club benevolent fund has been fortunate to benefit from very generous donations from her family and friends.

We welcome any ladies wishing to find out more about our club and Inner Wheel.

For further information please use 'Contact Us' link on this page.

Club Officers for 2024 to 2025

Name Office Charity

Jo Scott

Rosemary Milsted

Joint President

Joint President

Valerie Thomas Secretary
Janet Eaton
Rosemary Milsted  International Service
Ann Brame Correspondent 
(currently vacant)
Membership Officer 



Here are some photos of a walk in Folkestone in the week starting on Monday 19th October, taken by our President Doreen Cooke-Davies and Maureen Foreman. It was lovely to be between showers as its been a wet week!  Dolly Mallinson was also present ~ she took the photos. 

Folkestone ladies out for a rainy walk Folkestone ladies rest between showers on their walk Folkestone ladies plus one taking the picture

01 July President's Handover held in Past President Ann's garden with six socially distanced members present. 

All monthly general and dinner meetings with speakers have been postponed until Covid-19 restrictions allow such face-to-face meetings to go ahead, although socially distanced outdoor meetings of maximum six members are taking place whilst weather permits. With regret, other social events and district functions, plus the annual Association Conference have been cancelled until further notice.  Club committee meetings are being held via Zoom.